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词汇 side
释义 sideside[said]n.1.边; 侧面, 面; 旁边; 方面2.(身体的)侧边; 胁; 肋肉3.(纸、布等的)面, 半面4.山和河岸的斜坡5.(敌对的)一派, 一方; [英](比赛的)队6.家系, 血统7.[俚]摆架子, 傲慢8.[美俚]一段[份, 页]台词;【微】纵线9.(台球)侧击转球10.【船】舷侧the six sides of a cube立方体的六面on this side of the river在河的这边have a pain in the right side右胁痛study all the sides of a question研究问题的各个方面a cousin on my father's side父系的堂亲Which is the right side of the cloth?哪一面是这块布的正面?Which side are you on?你属于哪一派?Both sides are ready for the contest.双方均准备好比赛。Everything has its two sides.任何事物都有两个方面。He is Chinese on his mother's side.他的母亲是中国人。
词性变化side[said]adj.1.旁边的, 侧面的; 横的, 斜的2.次要的, 枝节的, 副的; 片面的, 附带的a side blow侧击a side issue枝节问题a side job附带做的工作side[said]vt.1.支持, 同意2.对半切开; 刨平侧面; 装上侧面3.收拾, 放开4.【建】钉上披叠板vi.1.赞助, 支持; 偏袒; 参与2.宽度仅有3.[英俚]摆架子side with the revolutionary people站在革命人民方面

继承用法sidearm[ˈsaɪdɑ:m]adj.1.(棒球)侧投的(手的位置与腰等高的)side-by-siden.1.水平双管猎枪side-burnsn.1.[pl. ]短腮巴胡子sidecar[ˈsaɪdkɑ:(r)]n.1.(摩托车的)边车; (爱尔兰的)轻便三轮马车2.[常 Side ]鸡尾酒side-deckn.1.边甲板(指靠舷部分)side-ditchn.1.侧[边]沟sidedozern.1.侧铲推土机sidedrumn.1.(=snare-drum)小鼓sideflashn.1.侧向闪光sideforcen.1.侧力; 横力sideheadn.1.刨床上的辅助滑板2.副标题side-hilln.1.山坡, 山麓side-kickn.1.[美俚]伙伴, 密友; 合作者, 死党sidekickern.1.明轮蒸汽机船sidelong[ˈsaɪdlɔŋ]adj., adv.1.横的[地]; 斜的[地];侧面的[地]sideman[ˈsaɪdmæn]n.1.(爵士音乐)乐队员, 伴奏者sidepiece[ˈsaɪdpi:s]n.1.边件; 侧部sideportn.1.舷窗; 舷门sideproductn.1.副产品sidesaddle[ˈsaɪdsæd(ə)l]n.1.女鞍, 横鞍, 偏座鞍

词性变化side[said]adv.1.在女鞍上, 在偏座sideseat[ˈsaɪdsi:t]n.1.背靠车身的座位, 边座sideshaftn.1.【机】侧轴sideshow[ˈsaɪdʃəʊ]n.1.(正戏中的)穿插表演, 杂耍2.附属活动; 附带事件; 枝节问题sidesman[ˈsaɪdzmən]n.1.教区副执事; [英]副教区委员, 党羽, 同党side-spinn.1.侧旋sidesplitter[ˈsaɪdˌsplɪtə(r)]n.1.极滑稽的故事, 令人捧腹的笑话sidesplitting[ˈsaɪdsplɪtɪŋ]adj.1.令人捧腹的, 滑稽透顶的sidestroke[ˈsaɪdstrəʊk]n., vi.1.侧泳sidetone[ˈsaɪdtəʊn]n.1.(电话机的)侧音sidewalln.1.边墙, 侧墙2.轮胎侧壁sideway[ˈsaɪdweɪ]n.1.小路adv., adj.1.(=side ways; sideways)斜向一边的[地]sidewheeladj.1.(汽船)每侧均有外轮的sidewheelern.1.[美]侧明轮船2.[美俚]惯用左手的人3.[美俚]遛蹄的马sidewhiskern.1.[pl.]胳腮胡须sidewindadj.1.间接的; 不正当的, 不法的sidewise[ˈsaɪdwaɪz]adv., adj.1.=side ways

习惯用语at the side of1.在...旁边; [口]与...相比be on both sides of the fence1.[美]两面讨好be on sb.'s side of the fence1.[美]支持某人be on the long side of the market (=go long of the market)1.做多头(把持商品或证券以待涨价时卖出)be on the other side of the fence1.[美]在反对的一边be on the safe side1.为了稳妥起见, 以防万一be on the same side of the fence1.站在同一立场上blind side1.弱点, 缺点weak side1.弱点, 缺点born on the wrong side of the blanket1.私生的both sides of the medal1.问题的两面; 事情的正反方面bright side1.光明的一面; 令人高兴的一面brush sth. to one side1.把...撇在一边, 置之不理put sth. to one side1.把...撇在一边, 置之不理place sth. to one side1.把...撇在一边, 置之不理burst one's sides1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮hold one's sides1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮shake one's sides1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮split one's sides1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮burst one's sides with laughter1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮hold one's sides with laughter1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮shake one's sides with laughter1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮split one's sides with laughter1.捧腹大笑, 笑破肚皮by sb.'s side (=by the side of)1.在...的旁边, 在...的附近; 和...比较change sides1.(改变立场)投到对方去clear side1.【航海】露出水面部分come down on one side or the other of the fence1.支持两方中的一方come down on the rightside of the fence1.倒向[附和]胜利的一方descend on the rightside of the fence1.倒向[附和]胜利的一方err on the right side1.宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法err on the safe side1.宁可失之谨慎; 选择稳妥的做法Every man has his weak side.1.[谚]人人都有缺点。flip side1.唱片的背面; [转]对等的人或物from all sides (=from every side)1.从四面八方; 全面地; 到处from side to side1.左右(摇等)get on the right side of sb.1.得到某人喜爱, 骗取某人的欢心get on the wrong side of sb.1.同某人搞坏关系; 冒犯某人get out of bed on the wrong side1.[俚]清早一起就发脾气, 急躁不愉快, 心绪不好give sb. the rough side of one's tongue1.对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人give sb. a lick with the rough side of one's tongue1.对某人出 口不逊; 恶语伤人go over the side1.[美俚]私自离开船只(或基地)have lots of sides1.架子十足have too much side1.太傲慢put on too much side1.太傲慢keep on the right side of sb.1.(出于希望日后获得好处而)避免得罪某人; 争取某人好感keep on the right side of the law1.行为合法, 不违反法律know which side one's bread is buttered (on)1.知道 自已利益所在; 善于为个人的利益打算laugh on the other side of one's face1.由得意变失意, 转喜为悲let the side down1.[口]使自己的人(如朋友、同事等)失望, 辱没自己的一方(如家庭, 集体等)like the side of a house1.[口](指女人)非常肥胖look on all sides1.到处细看look on the bright side1.对事物抱乐观态度look on the sunny side1.对事物抱乐观态度look on the bright side of things1.对事物抱乐观态度look on the sunny side of things1.对事物抱乐观态度look on the dark side1.对事物抱悲观态度look on the gloomy side1.对事物抱悲观态度look on the dark side of things1.对事物抱悲观态度look on the gloomy side of things1.对事物抱悲观态度off side1.(橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位]on side1.(橄榄球)违犯规则[符合规则]的位置; [口]越位[不越位]on all sides1.四面八方, 到处on both sides1.双方, 两边on one side1.在一旁(边), 斜着on one side ... on the side1.一方面...另一方面on sb.'s side1.在某人方面; 就某人来说2.站在某人一边(支持某人)on the high side1.(价格)偏高[低]on the low side1.(价格)偏高[低]on the other side1.在对面, 反对方面的2.(原系美语)大西洋彼岸on the right side (=on the side of the angels)1.站在正确的[正义的]方面on the right side of the account1.【商】在贷方on the right side of the hedge1.站在正确的立场on the right side of the post1.干得对; 行动正确on the right side of the tracks1.[美]在富裕居民区; 属于富裕阶层on the right side of1.未过...岁on the better side of1.未过...岁on the bright side of1.未过...岁on the safe side1.谨慎, 稳健on the ... side1.趋向于..., 稍微...一点on the side1.[口]顺便, 附带2.秘密地; 背地里on the side of1.站在...一边, 袒护...on the shady side of1.已过...岁on the wrong side of1.已过...岁on the small side1.相当小on the windy side of1.【航海】吃风的一面; 迎风的一面2.[转]不为...所害, 在...影响之外on the wrong side of the door1.被关在门外, 被拒绝入内on the shady side of the door1.被关在门外, 被拒绝入内on this side1.[美]大西洋的这一边on this side (of) the grave1.在世时, 生前over the side1.上[下]船pass sb. by on the other side1.对某人坐视不救, 不帮助(不表示同情)prompt side1.[英]舞台左侧(提词人所站的一边)2.[美]舞台右侧(提词人 所站的一边)put on side1.摆架子2.(台球)侧击使旋转silver side1.牛腿肉最好的部分(上股肉)sing on the wrong side of one's mouth1.[口]转喜为悲; 由得意而失意stand by sb.'s side1.站在某人一边, 伙同某人sunny side1.朝阳的一面; [转]光明面; 乐观[有利]的一面sunny-side up1.[美]只煎一面的蛋take sb. to one side (=take sb. aside)1.把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈)take sb. on one side (=take sb. aside)1.把某人叫到一边(以便私下交谈)take sb.'s side1.拥护[袒护]某人take sides1.偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take a side1.偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take sides with1.偏袒; 拥护(某方面)take a side with1.偏袒; 拥护(某方面)the distaff side1.母系the spindle side1.母系the other side of the shield1.问题的另一面the reverse side of the medal1.事情的反面There is much to be said on both sides.1.公说公有理, 婆说婆有理。the seamy side1.布的反面, 衣服的里面2.[转]事物的阴暗面, 丑恶的一面the spear side1.父系the wrong side out1.表里倒置, 里朝外, 翻面地this side of1.(指时间)在...以前2.(指数量范围等)不越出turn the best side outward1.尽力使人看 到最好的一面side by side (with)1.并排[肩]; 互相支持地; 连接着weak side1.弱点weak point1.弱点wrong side of the fence1.争论中错误的一方, 失败的一方wrong side of the tracks1.[美]城市中贫民区, 贫民阶层side door trade1.[美]临时买票入场的观众side issue1.附带问题; 次要问题side with1.与(某人)站在同一边, 和(某人)抱同样的见解

特殊用法adjacent side1.邻边advancing side1.受拉部分, (皮带)张紧侧; 波浪前坡面anadrome side1.上边apical side1.顶面approaching side1.进入侧back side1.里面, 内层; 背面, 反面backing side1.(磁带)背面, 反面bearing off side1.轴承泄油面beef side1.牛半胴belly side1.猪胴胸腹部肉(总称五花肉)bench side1.焦面bloom side1.(皮)起霜面bottom side1.底部bow side1.在舷breaking ball side1.球同侧突破breathing side1.呼吸的一侧broad side1.船舷car side1.车辆侧墙catadrome side1.下边catcher's side1.接钢边cess side1.人行(便)道, 便道change side1.交换场区changing side1.换辊侧charge side1.贷方charging side1.加料侧2.加料厂房3.机面closed side1.闭侧coast side1.(齿轮的)不工作齿侧cold side1.(无槽法)冷面; (平拉法)背面(玻璃带背着液流的一面)commutator side1.换向器侧corresponding sides1.对应边crank side1.曲柄端credit side1.贷方栏creditor side1.贷方, 付项dark side1.暗边dawn side1.【天】黎明侧debit side1.收方, 借方delivery side1.出料侧2.进给端3.输出端demand side1.需要面, 需要的方面dial side1.表盘方向, 表盘面discharge side1.卸料侧2.出料面3.借方distaff side1.女子赛组down side1.(三辊式机座的)机前侧downthrow side1.【地质】下投侧dressed two sides1.双面修整driving side1.(链, 皮带的)主动侧, 驱动侧, 主动端East Side1.(纽约东部的)贫民区engaged side1.射击舷, 战斗舷entry side1.输入端exhaust side1.(熔窑)放(玻璃)液侧2.排气侧exit side1.出料侧, 输出侧; 引出端, 出口face side1.木表2.表面, 正面far side1.远侧felt side1.正面; 毛布面fore side1.操作侧[面]glove side1.手套侧(指守门员戴抓球手套的一侧)go side1.(量规)通过端grain side1.光面, 前面grain side of leather1.皮革正面(原长毛的面)hair side1.发边, (皮)毛面head side1.缸盖端heading side1.【地质】下盘, 下帮high potential side1.高压侧high-pressure side1.高压侧2.(冷冻机中)高压旋管hinged side1.铰接侧板(货车)home side1.主队homologous sides1.对应边2.同位边hood side1.机罩侧面hot side1.高放射性侧2.热侧3.高压边4.(玻璃带的)热面(无槽法), (玻璃带的)前面(平拉法)hydraulic fluid side1.(蓄能器)液体侧increase side1.增加方, 借方influent side1.进料的一侧ingoing side1.进料的一侧inlet side1.入口端intake side1.进口侧, 输入侧, 吸油侧integral full depth body side1.整体全深车体侧壁knife side1.单板里面knife face1.单板里面lee side1.背[下]风面; 下风舷line side1.线路侧[端]load side1.负荷端(链或钢绳)local side1.局部面(数据终端设备)2.本机端long side1.做多头, 对市价看涨的long rib side1.猪肋肉loose side1.单板松面(里面)loose face1.单板松面(里面)lower camber side1.(机翼)下弧面low-pressure side1.低压旋管; 冷冻机的蒸发旋管low-tension side1.低压端low-voltage side1.低压端machine side1.机面main side1.主侧minus side1.减侧, 负侧mirror side1.镜面; 光面modern side1.现代学科方面的课程; [英]现代学科部分mountain side1.山腰near side1.(马的)左侧neutron-rich side1.富中子侧, 丰中子侧non-breathing side1.非呼吸的一侧normal side1.法向边not-go side1.(量规)不(通)过端opposite side1.对边" out " side1.不掌握发球权的一方outlet side of pump1.泵的排出端output side1.输出端oxide side1.氧化面payment side1.付方piston ring side1.活塞环端plus side1.加侧, 正侧port side1.左舷posted sides1.厚壁(玻璃制品缺陷)power-on driving pulley side1.驱动皮带轮侧功率pressure side1.加压的一边; 加压侧; 压力面primary side1.初级[原始]侧, 初级端, 原边pull side1.拉紧端pusher side1.机侧, 推焦面railed side1.横条栏板, 栏杆式侧板ram side1.机面receding side of belt1.皮带退出侧, 皮带松边receipt side1.收方receiving side1.接发球一方residual side1.残余边带retired side1.失去发球权的一方right-angle side1.直角边right-hand side1.右方, 右边ring groove side1.环槽侧roll change side1.轧机机座换辊侧roller's side1.轧机进钢侧serving side1.发球一方shady side1.黑[阴]暗面shell side1.壳方; (换热器)壳程sheltered side1.(山脊上的)避风面ship's side1.舰舷, 舱舷six-foot side1.六尺线间距离sloping side1.斜边starboard side1.右舷step-down side1.(变压器)低压端stroke side1.划桨的一侧strong side1.(球场)强侧, 有球侧suction side1.吸引端; 吸引的一边, 吸力面supply side1.馈电侧, 供电侧2.进给端tapping side1.放渣[出炉]侧, 炉后tension side1.紧边; (皮带)主动边terminate side of an angle1.角的终边thrust side of piston1.活塞推力侧tight side1.受拉部分, 受拉区2.(皮带)张紧侧traverse side1.导线边truck side1.转向架侧架tube side1.管程, 管方unequal sides (sections)1.不等边型钢unloading side1.无负载端upper side1.上面; 上部valley side1.峡谷边visiting side1.客队weak side1.(球场)弱侧, 无球侧weather side1.上风舷, 上风方面willow side1.搓纹半张牛面革wire side1.纸的反面(较粗糙的一面)wiring side1.布[接]线面wrong side1.(纸幅)反[网]面




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