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词汇 thank
释义 thankthank[θæŋk]vt.1.谢, 感谢, 道谢2.[用于will或'll后表示客气的请求; 现常用作反语, 含有责备的意思]感谢, 请3.[用作反语]责怪, 要...负责thank a person for his help感谢某人帮忙T-you ever so much.真是太谢谢你了。No, thank you.不, 谢谢(您)(表示婉言谢绝)。T-you for your kindness.谢谢你的照顾。I'll thank you to mind your own business.请你别管我的事(最好把你自己的事管好)。I will thank you to shut the door.请你把门带上好吗?He can be thanked for this setback.这个挫折要怪他。
词性变化thank[θæŋk]n.1.[pl. ]感谢, 谢意, 谢礼A thousand thanks for your kindness.非常感谢你的好意。

继承用法thanksgiver[ˈθæŋksˌɡɪvə(r)]n.1.感谢者,感恩者thank-youn.1.感谢的表示thankern.1.感谢者thankee,thanky [5WANki:],thankye[ˈθæŋkji:]int.1.谢谢

习惯用语bow one's thanks1.鞠躬致谢give thanks1.【宗】(饭前或饭后)作感恩祷告2.感谢have (only) oneself to thank (for sth.)1.[谑]真是活该, 只怪自己, 自作自受Many thanks.(=Thanks a lot)1.多谢多谢。Much thanks I got for it.1.我费力不讨好。no thanks1.别管闲事no[small] thanks to1.不感谢, 不归功于; 不是由于(表示责怪)return thanks1.答谢; 回敬; (饭前饭后)作感恩祷告Small thanks I got for it.1.我费力不讨好。smile one's thanks1.微笑表示感谢T-you for nothing.1.得了, 别瞎起劲!thanks to1.由于; 多亏, 因为




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