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词汇 something
释义 somethingsomething[ˈsʌmθiŋ]pron.1.某物, 某事2.[表示模糊的概念]什么, 之类3.有价值或重要的人或物4.[和nothing相对]实有物5.[口]喝的, 吃的take[have] a drop of something喝一点(酒)There was something I wanted to show you.我有一样东西要给你看。He is something of a scholar.他略有学问。I caught the five something train.我赶上五点多钟的火车。He is really something!他真是个了不起的人物。There is something in what you say.你所说 的有些道理。Theory is something, but practice is everything.理论虽重要, 实践更重要。S-is better than nothing.有比没有好。
词性变化something[ˈsʌmθiŋ]adv.1.稍, 略, 几分, 多少2.很, 非常, 相当be something impatient有点儿不耐烦It rained something awful last night .昨晚雨下得很大。

习惯用语amount to something1.有所成就, 有所作为be something1.了不起, 很重要2.有几分道理3.有所安慰[满足]4.(在某处)任职be something of a [an] ...1.有一点..., 有些象...的地方be up to something1.[口]搞阴谋, 干坏事, 捣蛋give sb. something to sing for1.叫某人哭一场(吓唬顽皮小孩的话)give sb. something to think about1.[口]使某人深思[醒悟]; 使某人感到意外have something of the ... in one1.有...的天分have something on (sb.)1.拿着某人的把柄have something on one's mind1.有心事know something of everything and everything of something1.通百艺而专一长like something the car has brought[dragged]in1.[口](人的外表)衣衫褴褛; 不修边幅; 狼狈不堪make something of1.从...中得到好处, 利用...2.使(某事)显得重要; 小题大作; 瞎猜测3.看懂意思4.[美口, 俚](=make something out of) 借...生事; 从...制造纠纷(特指打架)make something of oneself1.取得成功or something1.或是...之类quite something1.[口]非同寻常(好), 令人惊奇see something of sb.1.和某人有些来往, 不时看到某人start something1.[美口]制造麻烦[纠纷], 引起争吵[打斗]There is something in it.1.这话有些道理。Ther is something in the wind.1.[口]好象要发生什么事情。think something of oneself1.自命不凡something else1.其他的[别的]东西2.[美, 俚]很出色的人(或东西)something else again1.[美]另一回事, 截然不同的事something for nothing1.轻易得来的利益, 不劳而获something good1.好东西; 赛马的内幕消息S-is to pay.1.[美, 口]有点问题, 有点毛病[不妙]。something like1.[口]大约, 有几分象...的, 了不起的, 极好的, 伟大的something of1.[口]多多少少, 有几分something or other1.一件什么东西, 一桩什么事情something short1.[俚]酒something tells me1.[口]我猜疑[感到, 想]something to [in]1.在...之中有点道理[价值]something to do with1.同...有关2.与...有点关系的人[事]somethingto go on with1.暂且够了, 目前足以应付了; 应付眼前用的东西something to write home about1.[口]值得称赞[大书特书]的事




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