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词汇 scent
释义 scentscent[sent]n.1.香[气]味2.[口]香水3.[a scent]嗅觉, 敏锐的感觉4.【动】臭迹, 遗臭5.踪迹, 线索6.迹象7.(儿童游戏“狗捉兔子”中)撒在地上的纸屑8.诱饵floral scent花香the scent of roses玫瑰花的芬芳a keen scent嗅觉敏锐a cold scent微淡的臭迹give sb. a false scent给某人以假线索a scent of trouble出现麻烦的迹象
词性变化scent[sent]vt.1.闻, 嗅; 嗅出2.使香, 使臭, 洒香水于...3.发觉, 觉察, 看破(阴谋等)scent spring in the air觉察到春天的气息The flower scents the air .花散布芳香。scent[sent]vi.1.发出气味[香味]2.闻着气味追赶

继承用法scent-bottlen.1.香水瓶2.[俚]厕所scentfuladj.1.气味浓厚的, 嗅觉敏锐的scentless[ˈsentlɪs]adj.1.无香气的, 无气味的, 不臭的, 无嗅觉的2.打猎时失去了臭[踪]迹的

习惯用语be off the scent1.失去猎物的臭迹, 追错方向; [喻]迷失方向, 失去线索be on a wrong [false]scent1.(猎狗)追错方向; [喻]迷失方向be on the (right) scent1.(猎狗)找到猎物的臭迹; [喻]有头绪, 获得线索blazing [burning, hot] scent1.强烈的臭迹(便于猎狗跟踪)cast about for the scent1.(猎狗)寻找(猎物等)false [wrong]scent1.使猎狗迷失方向的假臭迹; [喻]骗人的线索, 错误的迹象follow up the scent1.(猎狗)闻着臭迹追赶; [喻]追踪get scent of (=take the scent of)1.闻出; 发觉有了头绪have no scent for1.对于...没有敏感hunt by scent1.凭嗅觉追赶lose the scent1.失去猎物的臭迹[踪迹]; 失掉线索put on a false [wrong] scent1.(制造假象)使迷失方向put[throw] sb. off the scent1.(用替身等)使人迷失线索[方向]put [throw] sb. on the scent1.使人跟踪追赶put on the scent1.(猎物的臭迹)使猎狗跟踪追赶; [转]给人以线索, 使人跟踪追捕recover the scent1.(猎狗)重新找到线索scentout1.闻到, 嗅出, 觉察到





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