plenitude: plenitudinous
(比喻人民的血汗和劳动果实) fruits of the people's labour; wealth of the people
(比喻以某种好听的词句或名义宣扬) talk glibly about; call out loudly for:
(比喻保护自己的人和物) a person or thing that protects one from punishment or censure; shield
(比喻做爪牙的人) lackeys; hired thugs
(比喻内容贫乏, 枯燥无味) meager
(比喻写文章、画画运笔不拘束) write or paint freely
(比喻初次) maiden:
(比喻利己的好处) profit; (improper) fringe benefit:
(比喻勇猛的军队) brave troops
(比喻包庇) shield; harbour; protect; conceal
(比喻华而不实) showy; without solid worth
(比喻口才、 言辞) eloquence; one's words; what one says
(比喻坚强的、能起支柱作用的个人或集体) mainstay:
(比喻墨守成规; 平庸无所作为) stick to established practice; follow the beaten track; strictly upright and correct in one's behaviour; be guided by rule in every act and movement
(比喻夜间工作的费用, 多指求学的费用) tuition fee in private school
(比喻夸大的形容) play up; exaggerate; pile it on:
(比喻官位) official post:
(比喻对社会有害的作品或言论) harmful speech, writing, etc.:
(比喻屈服) yield; submit:
(比喻工作过程不间断,不松懈) accomplish sth. at a stretch; accomplish a composition in one breath; at one fling; get sth. done at one go [without a let-up]; say quickly, without having to stop to think
(比喻幻想) have a pipe dream; daydream:
(比喻幻想) illusions or hopes that cannot be realized
(比喻恩爱的夫妻) a devoted married couple:
(比喻情欲正盛的男女) (man and woman) irresistible to one another; caught in a passion
(比喻想像或说话无拘束、无边际) discursive; without restriction or limit; straying from the subject; rambling unrestrained and far-ranging; talk at random; indulge in loud and empty talk:
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