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词汇 mouth
释义 mouthmouth[mauθ]n.(pl. mouths[mauðz] )1.口腔, 口, 嘴2.人, 动物3.出入口; 洞口; 河口, 港口4.口状物; 喷口; 枪口; 袋[瓶]口5.(乐器的)吹口6.咧嘴, 怪脸; 厚脸; 苦相; 话(声), 发言; 代言人7.传闻, 传说8.(啤酒等)味道; 输入[出]端; 进气管; 狭窄[收敛]部分a useless mouth光吃不做的人, 饭桶a big mouth[美俚]碎嘴子; 说话冒失的人; 爱吹牛, 说大话的人None of your mouth!住嘴!Tom was born with a silver [golden] spoon in his mouth.汤姆生于富贵之家。This sounds strange in your mouth.这话出自你的口, 听来令人奇怪。
词性变化mouthvt.[mauð]1.把....放到嘴里嚼; 用嘴衔; 咬2.装腔做势地讲; 清楚地说出; 附和着说3.吻, 舐4.检查...的口部5.训马咬马嚼子vi.1.(轻视地)歪嘴2.装腔作势地说话; 做鬼脸3.(河)流入(in, into)

继承用法mouthbreeder[ˈmaʊθˌbri:də(r)]n.1.非洲鲫鱼mouth-filling[ˈmaʊθˌfɪlɪŋ]adj.1.(句子等)长的, 气势十足的mouth-organn.1.口琴mouthpart[ˈmaʊθpɑ:t]n.1.【动】口器mouthpiece[ˈmaʊθpi:s]n.1.口状物; 烟嘴口; (乐器的)吹口;【机】口罩2.代言人, 喉舌; [俚](刑事案件的)辩护律师mouthrotn.1.烂嘴mouth-to-moutha.1.口对口的(指人工呼吸)mouthwash n.1.漱口水, 洗口药mouth-wateringadj.1.令人流馋涎的, 味道好的mouthedadj.mouther[ˈmaʊðə(r)]n.1.说大话的人mouthless[ˈmaʊθlɪs]adj.1.无口的

习惯用语A close mouth catches no flies.1.[谚]嘴唇闭紧, 苍蝇难进; 口紧不招祸; 祸从口出。as like sb. as if he [she] had been spit out of his [her] mouth1.和某人一模一样, 象是一个模子里倒出来的be all mouth and trousers1.[口]光说不干, 光打 雷不下雨be condemned out of one's own mouth (=condemn oneself out of one's ownmouth)1.自行检举, 亲口招认bring the water to sb.'s mouth1.使某人馋得流口水button up one's mouth1.[口]保持缄默button (up) sb.'s mouth1.使某人哑口无言close [shut] one's mouth1.闭嘴, 不作声down in [at] the mouth1.沮丧, 垂头丧气flap one's mouth (about)1.[俚]嚷嚷, 谈论flap sb. in the mouth (with a lie)1.对某人当面撒谎foam at the mouth1.口吐泡沫2.大怒, 气得口沫横飞from hand to mouth1.现挣现吃from mouth to mouth1.口口相传; 挨次轮流讲述from sb.'s mouth1.由某人说出[传出]give it mouth1.慷慨陈词give mouth1.(猎狗)吠叫2.开口, 说话, 发言give mouth to sth.1.说出, 吐露have a foul mouth1.嘴不干净, 嘴坏have a good [bad, hard] mouth1.(马)驯服(不驯服); 听 (不听)使唤have one's mouth made up (for sth.)1.[美口]馋着; 期待, 渴望得到hold one's mouth1.住口, 不作声in everyone's mouth1.众口相传in the mouth of1.据...说it does not lie in his mouth (to say sth.)1.他不应该讲(这种话)keep one's mouth shut [closed]1.保持缄默, 守口如瓶keep your mouth shut and your eyes open1.多看少说laugh full mouth1.纵声大笑Laugh on the wrong [other] side of one's mouth1.转喜为悲, 由得意变失意make a mouth [make mouths] at1.对....咧嘴, 皱眉头(不赞成, 不相信); 作鬼脸; 训练小马咬马嚼子make a poor mouth1.叫穷, 诉苦make one's mouth water (=bring the water to sb.'s mouth)1.使垂涎, 使羡慕, 使某人馋得流口水make up one's mouth to1.[口]决定接受[同意]meet sb. in the mouth (=run into sb.'s mouth)1.与某人迎面相遇[当面对抗]melt in sb.'s [the] mouth1.入口就化muzzle (up) the mouth of sb.1.堵住某人的嘴; 禁止某人讲话My mouth is closed.1.这个我可不能说。One's mouth is full of pag.1.[俚]乳臭未干。one's [the] mouth waters for [after, at]1.(因想吃某物)淌口水; 垂涎, 渴望得到open full mouth1.破口大骂open one's mouth1.开口, 说话open one's mouth (too) wide1.口气太大, 要求高, 要价过高; 信口开河put the mouth on sb.1.用赞扬话使某人的行动归于失败run at the mouth1.流口水sb.'s mouth is made up for1.某人极想吃..., 某人极想得到...shoot off one's mouth (=run off at themouth)1.[俚]信口开河, 滔滔不绝; 因随便说话而泄秘shut one's mouth [trap]1.[口]停止讲话; 保持沉默shut sb.'s mouth1.使某人住口, 禁止某人讲话2.堵住某人的嘴, 不让某人泄露某事spend one's mouth1.(猎狗发现猎物)狂吠2.大声谈论stop one's mouth1.使某人住口; (用贿赂)堵住某人的嘴(straight) from the horse's mouth1.[口](消息等)从可靠的方面来的; 直接从权威方面得来的uselessmouth1.吃闲饭的人Well, shut my mouth!1.哎呀, 真想不到!(表示惊奇)with full mouth1.大声地with one mouth1.异口同声地, 众口同声地with openmouth1.张着口, 张口结舌2.大[高]声地

特殊用法adjustablemouth1.可调进气孔[入口]artificial mouth1.仿真口, 人工嘴bag mouth1.袋口bell mouth1.喇叭口, 漏斗口, 锥形孔; 锥形底; 测流喷嘴bird's mouth1.承接口cell mouth1.细胞口converter mouth1.转[吹]炉炉口cross mouth1.鸭嘴笔drowned river mouth1.沉溺河口dual-purpose bottle mouth1.卷封螺旋瓶口funnel mouth1.漏斗(状)口Lion's mouth1.狮口; 虎穴oven mouth1.面包烘炉口port mouth1.小炉口(玻璃熔窑)secondary mouth1.次生口side port mouth1.侧面喷火口stomach mouth1.胃入口trench mouth1.【医】战壕口炎mouth of blast furnace1.鼓风炉口mouth of blast pipe1.吹风管口mouth of plane1.刨削口mouth of pot1.坩埚口mouth of shears1.冲剪口mouth of tongs1.钳口




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