词汇 | inch |
释义 | inchinch[intʃ]n.1.■英寸(略作 in. )2.■[pl. ]身高; 身材3.■一点儿; 少许She is five feet six inches.她身高五英尺六英寸。His legs are too long for his inches.就他的身高而言, 他的腿太长了。 词性变化inch[intʃ]vt.1.■使缓慢移动; 使渐进inch one's way forward慢慢前进inch[intʃ]vi.1.■慢慢移动; 慢慢前进Prices are inching down.物价在缓慢下降。 继承用法inch-ouncen.1.■英寸-盎司(①功单位 ②力矩单位)inch-poundn.1.■英寸-磅inch-tooln.1.■石凿, 石錾inchage[ˈɪntʃɪdʒ]n.1.■以英寸为单位的长度或距离inched[ɪntʃt]adj.1.■刻有英寸的, ...英寸的 习惯用语An inch breaks no square.1.■[谚]鸡毛蒜皮, 无关大局; 小小毛病, 何必苛求。An inch is as good as an ell.1.■[谚]差一寸和差一尺一样; 小错大错都是错。an inch of cold steel1.■尖刀的一戳, 白刃的一刺beat sb. within an inch of his life1.■把某人打得半死flag sb. within an inch of his life1.■把某人打得半死thrash sb. within an inch of his life1.■把某人打得半死by inches1.■刚刚; 很近, 一点点地; 逐渐every inch1.■完全; 彻底; 在各方面; 从头到尾; 浑身die byinches1.■慢慢死去Give him aninchand he'll take an ell.1.■得寸进尺。kill by inches1.■慢慢地折磨死not give an inch1.■一动也不动; 毫不改变主意[意见]not budge an inch1.■一动也不动; 毫不改变主意[意见]not see an inch beyond one's nose1.■目光短浅not yield an inch1.■寸步不让to an inch1.■精确地, 丝毫不差地within an inch of1.■几乎, 差点儿(出事); 险些儿inch along1.■缓慢而坚定地前进; 一步一步地向前inch by1.■逐渐地, 一步一步地 特殊用法bit per inch1.■英寸位数, 位/ 英寸circular inch1.■【力】圆英寸column inch1.■栏寸(报纸上登广告的尺寸)cubic inch1.■【力】立方英寸decimal inch1.■十进位法英寸linear inch1.■线性英寸miner's inch1.■矿水标, 矿井涌水率单位square inch1.■平方英寸inchs of head1.■压头英寸(用英寸表示的压头)inchs of mercury1.■汞[水银]柱英寸数 |
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