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词汇 eye
释义 eyeeye[ai]n.1.眼睛, 眼珠, 眼圈2.眼光; 视力; 观察力, 辨别力3.看, 注意[目]; [pl. ]眼神, 眼睛表情4.见解, 观点; 判断5.眼状物; 针孔; (耳)环, 索眼6.【气】风眼, 风的中心; 风吹来的方向7.[美俚]私人侦探, 侦探8.【植】芽眼; 花心; 花盘;【微】眼点;【物】光电池, 光电管9.信号灯10.监视器eye bank眼库short sighted eyes近视眼blind in one eye单目失明lose one's eyes视力减退have an eye for beauty有审美眼光to the painter's eye以画家的眼光the eye of a needle针眼the eye of storm暴风中心dry one's eyes拭干眼泪His eyes are bigger than his belly.他眼馋肚饱。What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over.眼不见, 心不烦。Where are your eyes?[口]难道你看不见吗?
词性变化eyevt.1.看, 注视, 凝视, 偷着看2.在...上打眼eye sb. narrowly端详某人eye a needle打针眼

继承用法eye-appealingadj.1.[美俗]漂亮的, 美丽的eyebarn.1.眼杆, 眼铁, 带环eyebeam[ˈaɪbi:m]n.1.[古]目光eyebolt[ˈaɪbəʊlt]n.1.环栓螺首eyebright[ˈaɪbraɪt]n.1.【植】小米草eye-budn.1.眼芽eye-capn.1.眼盖eye-catcher[ˈaɪˌkætʃə(r)]1.引人注目的事物eye-chambern.1.眼房eye-circlen.1.视力测验表, 出射光瞳eye-contactn.1.视力接触eye-cupn.1.洗眼杯, 摄象机目镜镜头盖eye-distancen.1.目距eyedrop[ˈaɪdrɔp]n.1.眼泪eyedropper[ˈaɪˌdrɔpə(r)]n.1.【医】眼药水, 滴管eyeendn.1.有眼端eye-estimationn .1.目估eye-fillingadj.1.非常好看的, 美丽的eyeglass[ˈaɪɡlɑ:s]n.1.镜片2.[pl. ]眼镜, 夹鼻眼镜3.洗眼杯4.(望远镜等的)目镜eye-graftingn.1.眼底eyehole[ˈaɪhəʊl]n.1.眼窝eye-leveln.1.眼光观察水平, 和眼睛对[放]平eye-lightsn.1.眼神灯eye-markn.1.目标eye-measurementn.1.目测eyeminded[ˈaɪmaɪndɪd]adj.1.视觉特别敏锐的, 视觉记忆特强的eyenutn.1.吊环螺母eye-openern.1.令人十分惊奇的事物2.很有启发的事物3.迷人的事物4.[美俚]晨起喝的清醒神志的酒eye-opening[ˈaɪˌəʊpənɪŋ]adj.1.令人十分惊奇的, 很有启发性的eye-platen.1.眼板eye-pointn.1.出射点eye-poppingadj.1.[美]使人吃惊的eye-protectorn.1.护目镜eyereach[ˈaɪri:tʃ]n.1.(=eyeshot)视界, 视野eye-ringn.1.出射光瞳eye-servantn.1.在(雇主等)监视下才尽职的人eye-servicen.1.在(雇主等)监视下尽职的帮佣2.爱慕的眼光eyeshaden.1.眼罩eye-shieldn.1.护眼eye-shinen.1.眼耀光eyeshot[ˈaɪʃɔt]n.1.视野, 视界eyesight[ˈaɪsaɪt]1.视力, 目力eyesore[ˈaɪsɔ:(r)]n.1.丑的东西, 刺眼的东西[人]eyesplicen.1.(索端结成的)索眼, 环结合eyespot[ˈaɪspɔt]n.1.【动】眼点2.眼状的斑点eye-stalkn.1.眼柄eye-stonen.1.眼石(玛瑙)eyestrainn.1.眼疲劳eyestrings[ˈaɪstrɪŋz]n.1.[pl. ] 眼筋肉; 眼神经eyewash[ˈaɪwɔʃ]n.1.眼药水; 洗眼剂2.[俚]胡说, 吹牛骗局; 表面文章eyewater[ˈaɪˌwɔ:tə(r)]n.1.眼分泌液2.眼药水; 洗眼水eyewink[ˈaɪwɪŋk]n.1.一眨眼; 瞬息eyewinker[ˈaɪˌwɪŋkə(r)]n.1.睫毛2.落入眼中的微粒eyewitness[ˈaɪwɪtnɪs]n.1.目击者; 见证人eyeless[ˈaɪlɪs]adj.eyelikeadj.eyesome[ˈaɪsəm]adj.1.漂亮的, 悦目的

习惯用语a beam in sb.'s eye1.某人本身的大缺点a cast in one's eye1.斜视a cast in the eye1.斜视a single eye1.目标专一all my eye (and Betty Martin)(=all in my eye and Betty Martin)1.[俚]胡说八道, 鬼话, 瞎说an eye for an eye (=eye for eye)1.以眼还眼, 一报还一报appear to one's eyes1.出现在....面前armed eye1.借助望远镜, 显微镜等器具扩大视力的眼睛bat an eye1.眨一下眼睛be all eyes1.目不转睛[全神贯注]地看着, 非常留意be in the puplic eyes1.受到公共的注意be unable to keep one's eyes off1.目不转睛地看, 看入了迷; 羡慕地注视be unable to take one's eyes off1.目不转睛地看, 看入了迷; 羡慕地注视before sb.'s eyes1.当着某人的面, 公开地under sb.'s eyes1.当着某人的面, 公开地believe one's (own) eyes1.[多用于否定句]相信自己的眼睛(看到的)Better to have one eye than be blind altogether.1.[谚]独眼总比全瞎好。black eye1.有黑眼珠的眼睛2.被打得发青的眼睛3.挫折, 惨败4.[美俚]名誉扫地, 臭名昭著; 丑事black sb.'s eye1.把某人的眼眶打得发青blear sb.'s eyes1.欺骗某人, 蒙蔽某人bright in the eye1.[口]微醉, 有醉意by reason of the fair eyes of sb.1.为了某人的缘故by (the) eye (=by one's eye)1.用眼睛(估计), 凭眼力camera eye1.象照像机似的眼睛; 过目不忘的人cast an evil eye (on)1.不怀好意的朝...看一眼, 用毒眼看cast an eye on1.瞟一眼, 粗略地看一下cast an eye over1.瞟一眼, 粗略地看一下cast an eye at1.瞟一眼, 粗略地看一下cast sheep's eyes at sb.1.含情脉脉地看某人, 向某人送秋波make sheep's eyes at sb.1.含情脉脉地看某人, 向某人送秋波catch sb.'s eye1.与某人目光相遇; 引起某人注意catch the Speaker's eye1.获准发言catch President's eye1.获准发言clap eyes on1.[口]瞧见; 注视lay eyes on1.[口]瞧见; 注视set eyes on1.[口]瞧见; 注视close one's eyes1.睡眠2.逝世, 长眠close one's eyes to1.闭眼不看; 假装看不见; 硬不承认close turn a blind eye to1.闭眼不看; 假装看不见; 硬不承认shut one's eyes to1.闭眼不看; 假装看不见; 硬不承认shut turn a blind eye to1.闭眼不看; 假装看不见; 硬不承认cock one's eye at sb.1.向某人使眼色, 递眼色cry one's eyes1.哭得特别伤心[死去活来]weep one's eyes1.哭得特别伤心[死去活来]cry one's heart1.哭得特别伤心[死去活来]weep one's heart1.哭得特别伤心[死去活来]cry with one eye and laugh with the other1.口是心非, 不诚恳cut eyes1.[美俚](向某人)互相看一看随即将目光移开cut one's eye1.[美俚]斜着眼看, 偷偷瞟一眼cut an eye1.[美俚]斜着眼看, 偷偷瞟一眼Damn your eyes!1.[谑]该死! 他妈的! 混账!do sb. in the eye1.[俚]欺骗某人, 叫某人上当dry one's eyes1.擦干眼泪; [喻]不再悲伤dust the eyes of sb.1.欺骗[蒙骗]某人easy as my eye1.易如反掌easy on the eyes1.悦目的, 好看的, 诱人的fall under sb.'s eye1.被某人看到[注意]feast one's eyes on1.尽情欣赏, 以饱眼福fix one's eyes on1.盯着, 注视fasten one's eyes on1.盯着, 注视rivet one's eyes on1.盯着, 注视flash one's eyes1.向...瞟一眼a glance1.向...瞟一眼a look1.向...瞟一眼for the fair eyes of sb.1.为了某人的缘故by reason of the fair eyes of sb.1.为了某人的缘故Four eyes see more than two.1.[谚]两个人总比一个人看得全面。get a black eye1.被人打青了眼眶get one's eye in1.长于用肉眼观测距离, 方向及速度眼光准确have one's eye in1.长于用肉眼观测距离, 方向及速度眼光准确get one's well eye in1.长于用肉眼观测距离, 方向及速度眼光准确have one's well eye in1.长于用肉眼观测距离, 方向及速度眼光准确get the eye1.引人注目, 被人冷冷瞪一眼, 遭白眼give a black eye to1.使丧失信誉; 使丢脸give an eye to1.顺便照看一下have an eye to1.顺便照看一下give one's eyes for1.为了...愿付出极大的代价give one's eyes to1.为了...愿付出极大的代价give sb. a black eye (=black sb.'s eye)1.把某人眼睛打青give sb. the eye1.向某人作媚眼2.向某人使眼色3.冷冷瞪某人一眼goo-goo eyes1.[美俚]媚眼, 脉脉含情的目光give the eye1.注目; 给以白眼have (all) one's eyes about one1.眼睛非常尖; 特别警觉have an eye1.有...眼光; 善于识别; 能够欣赏have a good eye1.有...眼光; 善于识别; 能够欣赏have an eye on1.注视, 监视2.看中have one's eye on1.注视, 监视2.看中have an eye in one's head1.有眼力, 有判断力have an eye to1.重视2.很想得到have an eye to the main ehance1.谋私利have eyes at the back of one's head1.非常警觉have eyes in the back of one's head1.非常警觉have eyes for (=have eyes only for)1.一心想看, 对...感兴趣2.想得到have oneeye on1.边作边注意have one's eye on the ball1.[美]随时警惕keep one's eye on the ball1.[美]随时警惕have one's eye glued to1.目不转睛地看, 盯着看hit a bull's eye1.命中靶心; 大获成功make a bull's eye1.命中靶心; 大获成功score a bull's eye1.命中靶心; 大获成功if you had half an eye1.如果你稍微注意in eye1.在望, 在视线之内in a plg's eye1.[美俚]永不, 决不in the plg's eye1.[美俚]永不, 决不in one's mind's eye1.在某人想象中in the mind's eye1.在某人想象中in the eye of the wind eye (=in the wind's eye in the teeth of the wind)1.【海】逆风, 顶着风in the eye(s) of1.在...心目中, 在...看来in the eye(s) of the law1.根据法律, 从法律上看in the public eye1.经常在公开场合露面, 出名的; 众所周知的in the twinkling of an eye1.一眨眼, 转眼间keep a jealous eye on1.担心地注视着keep an eye on1.照看, 留心瞧着, 注意keep a close eye on1.照看, 留心瞧着, 注意keep an eye out for1.当心, 警惕keep one's eyes off1.不去看; 不眼馋keep one's eyes open1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep one's eyes peeled1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep one's eyes skinned1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep both eyes open1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep both eyes peeled1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep both eyes skinned1.密切注视; 时刻警惕; 留心, 留意, 注视keep one's weather eye open (=keep a weather eye on)1.密切注视, 时刻警惕keep one's weather eye open (=keep a weather eye out for)1.密切注视, 时刻警惕have one's weather eye open (=keep a weather eye on)1.密切注视, 时刻警惕have one's weather eye open (=keep a weather eye out for)1.密切注视, 时刻警惕lay eyes on1.[口]看到, 瞧见set eyes on1.[口]看到, 瞧见lazy eyes1.弱视look sb. in the eye1.正视, 正面瞧(某人)look sb. in the face1.正视, 正面瞧(某人)look with another eye upon (=look upon with another eye)1.对...抱有不同看法make eyes at1.眉目传情, 做媚眼, 挤眉弄眼make sb. open his eyes1.使某人目瞪口呆measure sb. with one's eye1.用眼睛上下打量某人meet sb.'s eye1.接触某人的目光, 回头看某人一眼meet sb.'s eyes1.接触某人的目光, 回头看某人一眼meet the eye1.呈现在眼前2.显而易见mind one's eye1.[口]谨慎, 小心Mind your eye!1.[口]注意! 当心!more than meets the eye1.事情并不象初看到的那样简单My eye!1.(表示惊奇或不同意)[口]哎呀! 好家伙! 你瞧!not take one's eyes off1.目不转睛地注视着not tear one's eyes off1.目不转睛地注视着never take one's eyes off1.目不转睛地注视着never tear one's eyes off1.目不转睛地注视着not to bat an eye1.未曾合眼2.不动声色one in the eye1.侮辱; 不幸one's eyes are bigger than one's belly1.眼馋肚饱,贪吃the eyes are bigger than the belly1.眼馋肚饱,贪吃one's eyes draw straws1.眼皮睁不开, 昏昏欲睡one's eyes gather straws1.眼皮睁不开, 昏昏欲睡one's eyes pick straws1.眼皮睁不开, 昏昏欲睡one's eyes drop millstones1.(在巨大的哀伤前)不流泪2.铁石心肠one's eye flash fire1.眼睛冒火, 怒目相视open sb.'s eyes to sth.1.启发某人认识某事, 使明白, 使注意pass one's eye over1.浏览, 过目pass the eye over1.浏览, 过目run one's eye over1.浏览, 过目run the eye over1.浏览, 过目pipe one's eye1.[口]哭, 流泪play with one eye on the gallery1.作迎合观众趣味的表演; 哗众取宠Please one's eye and plague one's heart.1.[谚]只图眼前快活, 不顾事后烦恼。pore one's eyes out1.因读书过度而眼睛疲劳private eye1.私人侦探put one's eyes together1.入睡, 合眼put sb.'s eye out1.挖掉某人的一只眼睛2.取代某人的受宠地位score a bull's eye1.命中靶心; 达到既定的目的see eyeto eye1.(与某人)看法一致see eyeto eye with sb.1.(与某人)看法一致see out of the corner of one's eye1.从眼角里看见see with half an eye1.一目了然,一看就知道see with one's owneye1.亲眼所见set eyes on1.[口]看到,瞧见set one's eyes at flow1.痛哭流涕set the eyes at flow1.痛哭流涕set one's eyes by1.[美俚]非常喜爱, 看重set an eye by1.[美俚]非常喜爱, 看重shut one's eyes to1.熟视无睹sleep with one eye open1.不敢睡得太熟spit in the eye of1.蔑视strain one's eyes1.集中视力2.因用眼过度而损伤视力strike the eye1.引人注目, 映入眼帘strike one's eye1.引人注目, 映入眼帘take one's eyes off1.把视线移开throw eyes at1.向...传情throw the eye at1.向...使眼色; 向某人送秋波to the eye1.乍看起来turn a blind eye to1.故意不看, 不计较under sb's eyes1.就在...面前; 毫无忌惮地...before sb's eyes1.就在...面前; 毫无忌惮地...up to the eyes in work1.忙得要命[债台高筑]up to one's eyes in work1.忙得要命[债台高筑]up to the eyes in debt1.忙得要命[债台高筑]up to one's eyes in debt1.忙得要命[债台高筑]wet the other eye1.再干一杯, 喝一杯又一杯wipe sb.'s eye1.射击猎物没有打中; (用手段)占某人的便宜2.使某人看到自己的愚蠢[狂妄]3.把某人的眼打青with all one's eyes1.全神贯注地with an eye to1.心中有(某种打算), 为了(某种目的)with half an eye1.一眼(就看出)with one's eyes open1.注意地, 警惕地; 有意识地, 明知故犯地with the naked eye1.凭肉眼, 不戴眼镜, 不用望远镜eye in the sky1.[美口]侦察卫星; 轨道运行的天文台eye of day1.[诗]太阳eye of heaven1.[诗]太阳eye of night1.星星eye of heaven1.星星Eyes right!1.向右[左, 前]看齐!Eyes left!1.向右[左, 前]看齐!Eyes front!1.向右[左, 前]看齐!

特殊用法access eye1.检查孔agglomerate eye1.聚眼ametropic eye1.变常眼anchor eye1.锚孔anisometropic eye1.屈光参差眼apotropaic eyes1.(在希腊艺术中)人的眼睛画在艺术品上(用以辟邪)apposition eye1.联立眼batting eye1.击球员的眼力black eye1.胴体表面[豇豆表面]的黑斑body safety chain eye1.车体安全链挂body cheak chain eye1.车体安全链挂brake beam safety chain eye1.闸杆安全链眼bull's eye1.一种中间有圆孔花纹膨起的装饰玻璃(16世纪英国和德国流行作窗玻璃); 厚圆玻片, 圆块玻璃, 厚圆透镜2.电极环(电弧炼钢炉顶安装电极的耐火孔砖)3.固定舷窗; 采光天窗; 风暴眼4.靶心, 目标; 击中靶心的子弹; 关键的一看camera eye1.摄象机取景孔canaliculated eye1.沟眼cancer eye1.眼癌cat's eye1.猫眼石; (道路上的)反光路灯; (汽车等)小型反光装置cleaning eye1.清理孔clevis eye U1.形环color eye1.分色睛compound eye1.复眼draw-bar eye1.拉杆眼dry eyes1.不落泪的眼(指不哭的人)electric eye1.电眼electronic frog's eye1.电子蛙眼eucone eye1.晶锥眼exocone eye1.外晶锥眼facetted eye1.复眼fish eye1.白点flame eye1.火焰监视器fly's eye1.蝇眼frog eye1.【植】蛙眼病gimlet eye1.锐利的眼睛glass eye1.观察窗[镜]; 玻璃眼(搪瓷表面缺陷)golden eye1.喜鹊鸭子, 金眼凫guide eye1.导纱眼hawk's eye1.【矿】鹰眼石hoisting eye1.吊环hook eye1.钩眼hook and eye1.钩与螺旋扣眼hypermetropic eye1.远视眼impeller eye1.(离心压气机的)叶轮入口inlet eye1.(离心压气机)进气孔insulated eye1.【电】绝缘孔眼juxtaposition eye1.并列象眼kiln eye1.看火孔lifting eye1.吊耳, 吊眼light adapted eye1.光适应眼limulus eye1.鲎眼logic eye1.逻辑显示器magic eye1.电子射线管; 电眼; 调谐指示管master eye1.主眼(射击时起主要作用的眼)median eye1.中眼myopic eye1.近视眼naked eye1.肉眼nauplius eye1.无节幼体眼night eyes1.夜眼observer's eye1.观测透镜, 目镜ocular eye1.目镜parietal eye1.(颅)顶眼pheasants eye1.红口水仙photocell eye1.光电管眼photopic eye1.适光眼pillared eye1.柱眼(蜉蝣目)pin eye1.销眼pineal eye1.松果眼pseudocone eye1.拟晶锥眼pulling eye1.拉孔quartz cat's eye1.石英猫眼石radar homing eye1.雷达搜索眼, 自行导航雷达定位头reach rod eye1.拉杆眼reduced eye1.简约眼rib eye1.[俗]牛里脊肉.牛腓利rolled eye1.(扁弹簧)卷耳roving eye1.无线摄象机流动车schematic eye1.示意眼scotopic eye1.适暗眼screw eye1.螺丝眼sculptured eye1.刻眼sessile eye1.无柄眼shipyard eye1.【医】角膜结膜炎simple eye1.单眼slinging eye1.吊索眼slotted eye1.椭圆形孔smoke eye1.烟眼spring down-turned eye1.下翻簧眼spring fixed eye1.固定簧眼spring reinforced eye1.加强簧眼spring solid eye1.实心簧眼spring upturned eye1.上翻簧眼suction eye1.吸入孔superposition eye1.重叠象眼supplementary eyes1.附属眼synthetic eye1.人造眼tarpaulin eye1.篷布孔环television eye1.工业电视摄象机tiger eye1.虎睛釉(金星釉的一个特殊种类)towing eye1.挂钩; 拖曳环tuning eye1.电眼, 调谐指示管turbinate eye1.柱眼unaided eye1.肉眼, 目视(无辅助的)welded eye1.焊眼wire eye1.线环eyes of a ship1.船首, 锚索眼eye of a volute1.涡卷心eye of dome1.圆屋顶窗eye of round (=semitendinosus)1.牛圆腿肉精肉块eye of the blind1.盲人用手杖eye of the storm1.暴风中心; 暴风眼




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