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词汇 horse
释义 horsehorse[hɔ:s]n.(pl.horses, [集合词]horse)1.2.木马3.骑兵; 骑兵队4.有脚的架(如晒衣架等)5.(考试作弊用的)小纸条6.嗜好7.[美俚]粗汉, 笨蛋8.(象棋中的)马9.[美俚]恶作剧10.[美俚]一千美元; 碎牛肉11.[俗]马力12.[美俚]海洛因13.[pl. ]特制的诈赌用的骰子14.(高炉)炉底凝[结]块15.顶板或底板凸出处(煤层)16.矿体中不规则的掘进17.井筒中的吊座18.【航海】渡索; 铁杆19.【矿】夹块, 夹石;【地质】夹层horse and foot骑兵和步兵iron horse火车头; 脚踏车; 坦克light horse轻骑兵
词性变化horse[hɔ:s]vi.1.骑马2.[美]作弄人3.(母马)欲交配4.[鄙]性交, 胡闹I horse around quite a lot, just to keep from getting bored.我胡闹了一阵儿, 只是为了摆脱厌烦。horse[hɔ:s]vt.1.为...备马; 使骑马2.骑跨3.背负, 鞭挞4.【航海】虐待(水手)5.[美]嘲弄, 愚弄6.[口]猛推horse him around in the snow在雪地来回猛推着他horse[hɔ:s]adj.1.马的2.马拉的, 骑[套]着马的3.大而粗硬的

继承用法horse-and-buggyadj.1.汽车发明前几代的2.古老的, 守旧的horseback[ˈhɔ:sbæk]n.1.马背2.马背岭, 小山

词性变化horse[hɔ:s]adj.1.快速的(尤指骑在马背上迅速完成的)adv.1.在马背上horsebreakern.1.驯马师horsecar[ˈhɔ:skɑ:(r)]n.1.[美]马拉的街车2.载马的车辆horsecloth(s)n.1.马衣, 马被horse-facedadj.1.马面的; 长面的horsefeathers[ˈhɔ:sˌfeðəz]n.1.[俚][pl. sing.]不值得考虑的东西; 空话, 胡言horseflesh[ˈhɔ:sfleʃ]n.1.马肉2.[集合称]马horsefly[ˈhɔ:sflaɪ]n.1.马蝇; 虻horsefoot[ˈhɔ:sfʊt]n.1.【植】款冬2.【动】鲎horsehair[ˈhɔ:sheə(r)]n.1.马鬃, 马尾毛2.马鬃制的织物horsehide[ˈhɔ:shɑɪd]n.1.马的生皮2.[俚]棒球adj.1.用马革做的horsejockey[ˈhɔ:sˌdʒɔkɪ]n.1.(pl. horses)骑马师horselaugh[ˈhɔ:slɑ:f]n.1.放声大笑; 痴笑vi.1.放声大笑horseleech[ˈhɔ:sli:tʃ]n.1.(产于欧洲)马蝗2.贪欲的人, 诈取者3.[废]外科兽医horseman[ˈhɔ:smən]n.1.骑手, 马术运动员horsemanship[ˈhɔ:smənʃɪp]n.1.骑马术horsemeat[ˈhɔ:smi:t]n.1.(指可食的)马肉horseplay[ˈhɔ:spleɪ]n.1.粗鄙的娱乐; 恶作剧horseplayer[ˈhɔ:sˌpleɪə(r)]n.1.惯赌赛马的人horsepondn.1.洗马池horsepower-hourn.1.马力小时horsepox[ˈhɔ:spɔʏs]n.1.马痘horseradish[ˈhɔ:srædɪʃ]n.1.辣根horse-roadn.1.牛马道, 畜力集材道horseshit[ˈhɔ:sʃɪt,ˈhɔ:ʃ-]n.1.马粪2.胡说; 谎话; 夸张int.1.表示疑惑、不信的感叹词horseshoen.1.马蹄形物, U形物2.蹄铁vt.1.给(马)钉掌adj.1.蹄铁形的horse-sorreln.1.水生酸模horsetailn.1.马尾丝线2.马尾3.【植】木贼horse-tradevt., vi.1.很精明地讨价还价horse-tradingn.1.卖劣马给外行人2.欺诈horseway[ˈhɔ:sˌweɪ]n.1.马的通路horsewhip[hɔ:swɪp]n.1.马鞭vt.1.用马鞭鞭打horsewomann.1.女骑马师, 女养马人horseless[ˈhɔ:slɪs]adj.1.无马的2.自动的

习惯用语A good horse is never of an ill color.1.[谚]良马无劣色。A good horse should be seldom spurred.1.[谚]好马无须加鞭(意指工作积极的人, 不用催促)。a horse of another color1.完全另一回事a horse of different color1.完全另一回事a horse of the same colour1.[口]同一回事a horse on sb.1.[俚]对某人的嘲弄A short horse is soon curried.1.[谚]矮马容易刷洗; 小事易办。as strong as a horse1.非常健壮, 精力充沛ask a horse the question1.(赛马骑师)力求竞赛的马竭其全力2.(赛马前)试马测验其速度和持久力ask a horse a question1.(赛马骑师)力求竞赛的马竭其全力2.(赛马前)试马测验其速度和持久力back the wrong horse1.(赛马时)赌错了马; 估计错误; 支持失败的一方be off one's high horse1.放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气be off the high horse1.放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气be on the high horse1.趾高气扬; 目空一切; 盛气凌人be on one's high horse1.趾高气扬; 目空一切; 盛气凌人beat a dead horse1.[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力flog a dead horse1.[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力mount on a dead horse1.[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力bet on the wrong horse1.[口]判断或估计错误buy a white horse1.【航海】[口]浪费金钱 (white horse 指浪花)change horses1.换马, 换班子; 调换主持或领导人change horses in midstream1.中流换马, 在危急中作出重大的变动swap horses in midstream1.中流换马, 在危急中作出重大的变动come off one's high horse1.[口]放下臭架子, 不再盛气凌人get down off one's high horse1.[口]放下臭架子, 不再盛气凌人dark horse1.赛马时出冷门的马2.出人意料的获胜者3.[美政]出冷门的候选人4.品德、性格、才能不明的人dead horse1.已经预付工钱的工作; 旧债; 令人厌恶的工作2.已经解决的问题; 不值得讨论的问题; 琐事Don't swap horse while crossing a stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Don't swap horse while crossing the stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Don't swop horse while crossing a stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Don't swop horse while crossing the stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Never swap horse while crossing a stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Never swap horse while crossing the stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Never swop horse while crossing a stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。Never swop horse while crossing the stream.(=Don't swap horses in midstream).1.[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。eat like a horse1.吃得很多flog a willing horse1.对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促spur a willing horse1.对努力工作的人进行不必要的督促flying horse1.文艺女神2.诗歌; 诗兴3.【天】飞马座winged horse1.文艺女神2.诗歌; 诗兴3.【天】飞马座from the horse 's mouth1.[俚]从可靠来源得来的, 第一手(情报或消息)的get on the high horse1.耀武扬威, 目空一切go round like a horse in a mill1.象驴推磨一样千篇一律地干活; 干单调乏味的工作hitch one's horses1.意见一致; 相处得很好2.结婚hitch one's horses1.意见一致; 相处得很好2.结婚set one's horses together1.意见一致; 相处得很好2.结婚set one's horses together1.意见一致; 相处得很好2.结婚hold one's horses1.[美口]别忙; 等一等It is a good horse that never stumbles.1.[谚]人有失错, 马有溜蹄。It is enough to make a horse laugh.1.极其可笑。Lock the barn after the horse is stolen.1.贼去关门; 亡羊补牢。shut the barn after the horse is stolen.1.贼去关门; 亡羊补牢。Look a gift horse in the mouth.1.对礼物吹毛求疵; 品评礼物的好坏。One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over a hedge.1.[谚]只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯。outside of a horse1.[澳口]骑在马上pay for a dead horse1.花冤枉钱play horse1.做骑马游戏2.[美俚]胡闹; 开玩笑3.[美俚]嘲弄某人; 粗暴无礼4.把...搞得一塌胡涂, 把...搞乱play the horse1.赌赛马put the cart before the horse1.本末倒置ride a horse that was foaled of an acorn1.[废]上绞架ride a horse that was foaled by an acorn1.[废]上绞架ride on horse of ten toes1.[谑]骑两脚马; 步行ride on horse with ten toes1.[谑]骑两脚马; 步行roll up horse and foot1.击溃敌人; 使敌人全面溃败run before one's horse to market1.[废]过早地计算利润, 乐观得太早talk horse1.谈马2.吹牛To horse!1.【军】上马! (口令)trial horse1.[口]在练习或表演赛中陪强手出场的运动员Trojan horse1.特洛伊木马(希腊神话, 传说)2.诡计, 隐患war horse1.战马2.[美口]老兵, 老手3.[美口]老节目(如反复上演的剧本)wheel horse1.辕马, 良马2.[美](党政团体中)可靠人员, 骨干分子When two ride on one horse, one must ride behind1.[谚]两人骑一匹马, 总有一人坐在后面(意指只能有一个当第一把手)。When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind1.[谚]两人骑一匹马, 总有一人坐在后面(意指只能有一个当第一把手)。Wild horses shall not drag it from me.1.[口]休想从我这里探到口风, 我决不会泄露。Wild horses shall not drag it out of me.1.[口]休想从我这里探到口风, 我决不会泄露。willing horse1.自愿工作的人, 干活主动的人win the horse or lose the saddle1.[口]孤注一掷work for a dead horse1.干不可能再得到报酬的工作work like a horse1.拼命干活You can take a horse to water , but you can not make him drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You can take a horse to water , but you can not make it drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You can take a horse to the water , but you can not make him drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You can take a horse to the water , but you can not make it drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You may take a horse to water , but you can not make him drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You may take a horse to water , but you can not make it drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You may take a horse to the water , but you can not make him drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。You may take a horse to the water , but you can not make it drink.1.[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。horse and horse1.并驾齐驱; 旗鼓相当horse around1.[美俚]胡闹; 鬼混; 玩弄; 闹哄horse on sb.1.[美俚]拿某人开玩笑, 作弄某人

特殊用法Arabian horse1.阿拉伯马driving horse1.轻型驾车马glace horse1.亮马皮harness horse1.轻驾车赛用马; 轻挽马herring horse1.挂鲱架jack horse1.台架Little H-1.【天】小马星座long horse1.纵跳马old horse1.炉底结块przhevalski's horse (przewalski's)1.普氏野马, 蒙古野马quarter horse1.夸特马; 四分之一哩的竞赛马; 仅善于短距离冲刺的马"race horse"1.闪电般的快攻raw sheet horse1.(玻璃)原板木架riderless horse1.空马riding horse1.骑乘马Russian riding horse1.俄罗斯骑乘马saddle horse1.骑乘马sea horse[ˈsi: hɔ:s]1.海马show horse1.参加评比赛的马side horse1.鞍马; 横跳马splitting horse1.片皮架sweeping mo(u)lder's horse1.车板架, 马架, 铁马(刮板造型工具)unbroken horse1.未经调教的马, 生马vaulting horse1.跳马Wantage White H-1.旺蒂奇白马像(英格兰南部维特夏郡旺蒂奇地方的一座巨大的白马雕像, 刻在白垩岩上, 全长370 英尺。 传系西撒克逊王阿佛烈大帝Alfred the Great为纪念他在871 年打败丹麦人的胜利而制作。 天气晴朗时在二十多英里外亦能看见。)




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