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词汇 devil
释义 devildevil[ˈdevl]n.1.魔鬼, 恶魔; [the Devil ]魔王; (=Satan)撒旦2.恶人, 恶棍, 残暴的人; 凶残的野兽; (贪婪等)邪恶的化身3.可怜的家伙(常与poor连用)4.精力充沛[绝伦]的人; 了不起的人; 无所顾忌的人5.棘手而令人烦恼的事6.(=printer's devil)(印刷厂的)助手[学徒]7.【纺】(破布等的)扯碎机; 打粗纱头机8.律师等的代笔者9.[the devil][与 who what, where, why 连用][口]究竟, 到底, 决不10.加有辛辣调味品的菜肴; 辣子肉11.(=dust devil)【气】小尘暴, 尘旋风little [young] devil小鬼(对小孩的戏称)work like the devil拼命地工作He has lost his job, poor devil!他失业了, 可怜 的人!How the devil is it?到底是怎么回事?Though one of the engines failed, the pilot managed a safe landing .He is indeed a devil of a fellow.尽管有一个发动机失灵了, 这位飞行员还是设法安全着陆。他真是个了不起的家伙。
词性变化devil[ˈdevl]vt.(devil(l)ed; devil(l)ing)1.戏弄; 困扰, 缠着; 虐待2.扯碎3.用辣子烤[煎]肉等devil papa for a toy缠着爸爸买玩具devil ham掺合辛辣的调味品煎火腿devil[ˈdevl]vi.1.做印刷厂的学徒2.为作家、律师撰写文章(常常无名无利); 做律师[作家等]的助手

继承用法devil-boxn.1.[口] 电子计算机devil-divern.1.魔潜鸟devil-dodgern.1.[俚]牧师, 教士devildom[ˈdevəldəm]n.1.魔鬼统治2.魔鬼所在地区3.魔鬼(总称)devilfish[ˈdevəlfɪʃ]n.1.章鱼2.灰鲸3.大鲸鱼devilhoppern.1.角蝉devilwood[ˈdevəlwʊd]n.1.美国南部产的木樨

习惯用语a [the] devil of a1.讨厌的; 异常的, 麻烦的; 有趣的and the devil knows what [who]1.以及其他种种(以及其他的人)as [like] the devil1.[口] 极度地; 猛烈地; 拼命地as the devil loves holy water1.非常厌恶(憎恨)be a devil to eat1.很能吃, 饭量大be a devil to work1.很能干be in a devil of a hole1.[俚]处境非常尴尬beat the devil1.[美, 俚]压倒一切, 真了不起beat the devil out of sb.1.[美口]把某人打得半死, 痛殴某人between the devil and the deep [blue] sea1.进退两难blue devil1.恶鬼blue devils1.沮丧, 忧郁2.耍酒风Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost.1.[谚]争先恐后, 落后者遭殃(资产阶级个人主义的准则)。give the devil his due1.平心而论, 说公道话go to the devil1.完蛋, 落魄, 毁灭2.滚开! 去你的吧!He must [should] have a long spoon that sups with the devil.1.[谚]同坏人打交道必须提高警惕。He must needs go whom [that] the devil drives.(=Needs must when the devil drives.)1.[谚]情势所迫, 只好如此。hug sb. as the devil hugs a witch1.[废、谑]紧紧地拥抱某人 the devil (of it) ...1.是一个很大的困难, ...是一件很讨厌的事It's easier to raise the devil than to lay him.1.[谚]召鬼容易驱鬼难; 请神容易送神难。like the [a] devil (=like devils)1.[口]象什么似地, 拚命地, 猛烈地Lucky devil1.[口]幸运的家伙, 幸运儿paint the devil blacker than he is1.过甚其词play the [very] devil with (=play the devil and all with )1.[口]破坏, 糟蹋, 使失败pull devil, pull baker1.大家加油啊!2.激烈的角斗pull the devil by the tail1.[口]不断同贫困做斗争; 走向破产; 剩下最后一着raise the devil1.(念咒)召唤魔鬼2.(=raise cain)惹乱子3.[口]狂欢4.[口]提出强烈抗议, 采取断然措施Red Devils1.[军、俚]??see the devil1.[俚]喝醉sell oneself [one's soul] to the devil1.把灵魂出卖给魔鬼send sb. to the devil1.叫某人去见鬼[滚开]serve the devil (for God's sake)1.(假借上帝名义)为非做歹, 做坏事speak [talk] of the devil and he will [is sure to] appear1.讲人人到, 讲鬼鬼到the devil among the tailors1.正在吵架; "恶魔在裁缝之中"的游戏; 一种烟火the devil and all1.全部, 整个the devil (and all) to do1.极大的麻烦; 巨大的骚乱the devil and his dam1.[废]魔鬼和比魔鬼更坏的东西The devil can cite scripture for his purpose.1.[谚]魔鬼也会引证《圣经》为自己辩护。The devil is dead.1.[罕]困难已经克服了; (工作、旅途等)最困难的部分业已渡过。The devil is good [kind] to his own.1.[苏谚](谈到自己不喜欢的人走运时)恶人自有魔鬼保佑。The devil is good when he is pleased.1.[谚]魔鬼高兴时也很和气。The devil is not so black as he is painted.1.[谚]魔鬼并不象人们所画的那么黑(指人们害怕或不喜欢的人并不象 一般说的那么坏; 事情没有传说的那么可怕)。The devil knows many things because he is old.1.[谚]人老见识广; 老马识途。the devil rebuking sin1.贼喊捉贼The devil rides on [upon] a fiddlestick.1.真是怪事, 真想不到。There will be the devil to pay.1.[口]那就麻烦了。to beat the devil1.[美俚]又快又猛地; 非常, 在很大程度上What [who, when, where, how, why] the devil ...?1.究竟到底是什么[谁, 什么时候, 什么地方, 怎样, 为什么等]...?when the devil is blind1.永远不会whip the devil round the post (=[USA]whip the devil around the stump)1.[口]取巧, 自欺欺人wish sb. at the devil1.恨不得某人滚得远远的devil a bit1.[口]完全不, 一点也不devil a one1.一个也没有devil of a mess1.乱七八糟devil on two sticks1.空竹, 扯铃devils [angels] on horseback1.咸肉包蚝(菜名)Devil take it!1.糟糕! 该死!




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